Monday 26 March 2012

Raymond Brown Track League


Bournemouth's first Track Cycling League kicks off on 17th April.

To help us judge rider numbers please preregister to;

Send no money but pay your £10 League registration on your first night, cash only please to reduce our admin!

The first 2 weeks (17th and 24th) will be full-on racing but remember carry no League Points.

To prepare and acclimatise to the track - what better than attend Chester Hill's "Competition Training" sessions on 3rd and 10th April starting at 6.30pm !!

Raymond Brown Track Cycling League

Entry Form 2012
(copy of) Link on right
Title……… Gender……… Date of Birth………………..

Surname………………………………………… First name…………………..

Address………………………………………… Postcode…………………….

Contact Email……………………………… Phone…………………………

BC Licence No……………. BC Category…………………

BC age group……………… Club/Team……………………

Accreditation/BCC Competition Licence No………………………….

I agree to abide by the Bye Laws and Technical Regulations of British Cycling, and understand and agree that I participate in these races entirely at my own risk, that I must rely on my own ability in dealing with all hazards, and that I must ride in a manner which is safe to myself and others. I agree that no liability whatsoever shall attach to the promoter, promoting club, race sponsor, British Cycling or any race official or member of British Cycling or member of the promoting club in respect of any injury, loss or damage suffered by me in or by reason of these races, however caused. I will participate in cycling competitions or events in a loyal or sporting manner. I will submit to disciplinary measures taken against me and will take any appeals and litigation to the authorities provided for in the Regulations.

Subject to that reservation, I shall submit to any dispute that may arise exclusively to the courts. Should I be required to participate in any anti doping control test under British Cycling regulations, I shall agree to submit to those tests. I agree that the results of the analysis to be realised to the public and communicated in detail to my Club/Team or to my coach or Doctor. I undertake to submit any objections concerning drug abuse to the British Cycling Executive Board/Appeals Panel, whose decision I shall accept as final. I accept that all urine samples taken become the property of British Cycling and that they may have them analysed, notably for the purposes of research and information on health protection. I agree to my doctor/or the doctor of my club/team communicating to British Cycling, on its request, a list of medicines I have taken and treatment I have undergone before any given competition or cycling event. I have read and agree to abide by the above declarations.

By submitting this entry, I agree to abide by both the regulations of the Bournemouth Cycling Centre and of British Cycling.

To preregister send this Entry Form to:
Cost per night: Seniors £10 – Youth £3

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