Wednesday 14 March 2012

Watt Bikes for Bournemouth Arrow

The Bournemouth Arrow is proud to announce that £10,000 Sport England funding has been secured towards the costs of 6 Wattbikes to be available for free use by its members.
Wattbikes are already widely in use by all levels of cyclists to improve their fitness. With a team of 7 qualified Arrow coaches already in place, this provides the opportunity for Arrow members in groups or individually to train using state of the art technology.
Wattbike say:
“The Wattbike was created with British Cycling to provide an affordable indoor bike for training and testing that is suitable for everyone from school children to Olympic Gold Medallists. Within seconds you can be accurately measuring your power output, your pedalling technique and heart rate. The Wattbike Performance Computer is designed to be simple and intuitive to use. It records 39 parameters 100 times per second, but displays only the key information for the cyclist through seven different views. The rider has the option of viewing their data in Power (Watts), Energy (Joules), Speed (km/h) and Pace (time per km).”

The Arrow’s Development Officer Alan McRae says:
“Our aim is for Arrow members to make more of their cycling and tools such as Wattbikes, under the supervision of our own coaches, will do just that. We hope to be operational by May so that our members can fine tune their fitness through the season using state of the art technology at no cost other than membership”.
Further details of Club Membership can be found on: on right)

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