Tuesday 15 May 2018

Bournemouth Jubilee Wh/Poole Wheelers Inter-Club 30Km Results

P426/30Km Pamphill-Spetisbury-Wimborne Tuesday 15/05/18

"Only 3 short of a full field of 50, a great start to this 4-race competition"
1 Adrian Murray BJW 39.45
2 Nick Jones BJW 40.52
3 Mike Williams PW 42..11
4 Nick Barks PW 42.48
5 Bob Richardson BJW 43.00
6 Michael Akers JP Cycling 43.36
7 Craig Weston PW 43.40
8 Ben Mottram BJW 44.12
9 Ian Diaper BJW 44.28
10 Craig Harris BJW 44.47
11 Will Soloman BJW 44.53
12 Mark Hitchcott BJW 45.43
13 Marc Wilmington PW 45.56
14 Phil Evans BJW 46.11
15 Rupert Silman BJW 46.18
16 Mark Hardwicke BACC 46.44
17 Bob Ghandour PW 46.58
18 Noah Miller PW 47.01
19 Gail Brown PW 47.06
20 Gary Chilverton BJW 47.10
21 Chris Simpson BJW 47.28
22 Glen Axon PW 47.31
23 Colin White BJW 47.46
24 Phil Scriven BJW 48.14
25 Darryl Tidd PW 48.36
26 Martin Reeder BJW 48.39
27 Eamonn Deane BJW 48.48
28 Ian Dryden PW 48.51
29 Kevin Ridge BJW 48.54
30 John O'Brien BJW 49.21
31 Julian Snook BJW 49.37
32=Martin Laishey PW 49.38
32=Nigel Thomas PW 49.38
34 Gary Tuskin PW 49.52
35 Jonny Strong PW 49.55
36 Howard Pankhurst PW 50.13
37 Alan Yates PW 51.25
38 Ian Roberts PW 51.42
39 Phil Harvey BJW 51.45
40 Martin Hart BJW 52.02
41 Gary Trudgett PW 52.04
42 Steph Lewars PW 52.39
43 Andrea Heslington PW 53.10
44 Les Jessop PW 57.27
45 Chris Barnes PW 59.15

DNF Robin Darch PW Punc
Jon Samways BJW

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