Wednesday 24 May 2017

CC Weymouth Club 18,23/05/17, Results

P451/18 Hilly
Sarah Wise

1 Greg Parker VC St Raphael 00:44:30
2 Jon Brumfield PCS 00:45:17
3 Richard Porter CCW 00:46:10
4 Niall Laming MSG 00:46:59
5 David Butt CCW 00:47:02
6 Nathan Willmington CCW 00:47:36
7 Sarah Wise CCW 00:48:59
8 Colin Brumble CCW 00:49:23
9 Matt Pye CCW 00:50:52
10 Nick Ireland CCW 00:51:02
11 Andy Aicken Day member 00:51:39
12 Steve Trigwell CCW 00:52:24
13 Ian Miller CCW 00:52:53
14 Cormac Linehan CCW 00:53:39
15 Emma Needham CCW 00:54:53
16 Steve Chalk Day member 00:57:21
17 Andrew Preston CCW 00:58:20

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Wise comment: Strava time says 53:55 - a lot slower than the time keeper got me as... this can't be right (but I aspire to go this quick!)
